About Michelle Linden


I am a believer.

I believe in the magic of the early morning, in the mysteries of life, in radical adventure, in the medicine of plants, in lazy summer days. I believe in children. I believe in the simple things, that healthy food is critical, hugs are vital, movement is nourishment, and breath is the guide.


I believe that mothers, in all forms, are at the center of life on earth.

My background is in teaching; from corporate training to yoga, to giving direction to toddlers. Teaching is about observation, curiosity and connection.

The flip side of teaching is learning, and I seek that just as much. I have been a student of yoga, human development, plants, herbs, and kitchen witchery. I continually learn from great teachers on embodiment, ritualizing the mundane, family wellness and support, including ancient and holistic postpartum and women’s wellness.

Most importantly, I have been both a teacher and a student of my children. They have taught me the most of what I am capable of. My time with them is my inspiration for this work.

My journey from young mom, to single mom, to sole provider, caretaker, seeker, and striver, to now empty nester has led me to my calling: to walk alongside mothers in their discovery of the unique fire that burns at their core.

I offer a place for mothers to feel safe, to explore the unexplorable, to feel held and cared for, as every mother deserves.

At the root of my calling is this: as a mother I felt unseen, that my voice was lost. I felt the most important thing I would do in my entire life was going unnoticed. I felt left out and defeated much of the time. Yet, the fire that burned inside me to be the best mother to my children transformed me. Each year I emerged stronger, more empowered, more confident, knowledgeable, clear, and purposeful as a mother and person. I was driven to do the best I could and most days it wasn’t even that great but hell, I was trying!

Some years were mostly struggle. As hard as they were, they brought a reflection that unearthed my messes, my truths, my weaknesses, and my power, If you too are curious to crack open the mysteries in you that will lead you to the motherhood life you long for, then I am honored to offer myself to you as a mentor, guide and friend, and to walk alongside you in this journey.

After raising my children in San Francisco I now live in a quaint neighborhood in Portland, OR, where I tend my urban garden, take daily walks with my puppy and new husband, look forward to the next phone call with my children, and help mothers from all walks of life on one of the most profound journeys they will ever take.


How can I help you on your parenting path?